Supporting Startups to be a Successful Entrepreneur
TEXMiN TBI also runs multiple programs such as Accelerator, Spin-off, PRAYAS for startups and Entrepreneur-in-Residence with the objective to help startups scale nationally and internationally in the field of mining and exploration.
Incubation and seed funding
State-of-art labs and testing facilities
TEXMiN Starter Cell
This scheme is launched by TEXMiN to identify, support and work with aspiring innovators, and technology translators for creation and utilization of CPS based technologies in Mining and Exploration sectors.
Click on "Apply Now!" Button. Read more about this program in the following pdf. Scan the QR-code given in the pdf for application form.
- Mentoring support from Industry professionals for
product/technology development and translation, for your
entrepreneurship journey. - Rapid access to our ever expanding lists of collaborators
and partners, and their infrastructure/knowledgebase. - Grant in aid @INR 1.5 lakh / units involved* in Joint
product/technology development. - Exhibition at Hall of Fame, TEXMiN, IIT(ISM) Campus.
Some of our Promising Startups
As a part of TEXMiN, these startups are working to define critical gaps in the mining industry, developing prototypes, pilot their solution at mining sites and scale-up projects afterwards in order to solve the industry's most crucial complexities across the mining value chain.